Family Events
Events throughout the year.
We hold a number of events for families throughout the year. Here is a summary of events planned for 2023/24. All families are invited to all events, we are looking forward to seeing you there. Please refer to the calendar on the website for more detailed information.
Please see the school's instagram page @victoriaprimaryschool for celebration of the events as they happen.
Previous events:
Mother's Day
We had a busy two days celebrating Mother's Day. Staff laid on afternoon tea while children enjoyed ice cream and pick and mix sweets as a treat. All of this for £1, what a bargain!
A big thank you to Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Kerry for organising and all the staff who pitched in to help set up, run and clear away.
Stay and Play
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our Stay and Play. As you can see we had a fantastic time. It was great to spend time with you and for you to see all the lovely activities we have planned for the children.
Christmas Fayre
As always our Christmas Fayre was well attended. Classes planned different stalls and we had a lovely variety of crafts and treats as well as games to play. Well done to our raffle winners.
Waffle Afternoon
Many thanks to Mrs Walker and her team of helpers for another fantastic Waffle Afternoon. We raised enough money to keep our school guinea pigs in food and bedding for a while.
How great to see so many Dads/Grandads/Uncles/Important male role models for our Fathers Day Breakfast.
We had a lovely time together. All the men got a medal from their child for being so special.
Thanks for such a huge turnout.
Mrs Kershaw organised a lovely afternoon to celebrate our Spanish speaking families at Victoria. We ate food (manchego cheese and churros) and drank sangria (non-alcoholic!) and had a go at Flamenco dancing after watching Martina and her mum give a demonstration.
Here are some photos from the event.
We had a lovely couple of afternoons celebrating the important women in our children's lives.
Thank you to all the staff who worked so hard to make it a memorable afternoon and thank you to all the mums, aunties, grandparents who came along, we hope you enjoyed your special time.
Have a look at all the lovely photos below.
Maths course for parents/carers
Come along and find out how to support your child in maths.
Build up your skills.
Make maths games to play at home together.
Please see Mrs Whistler or your class teacher to sign up - limited places.
Cadbury Class Parent session
Parents of Cadbury Class are having a session so they can share resources, ideas and look at how they can support their child at home. Look out for pictures!
Parents Courses - Don't forget we have Story Time Fun starting this week, 12 January.
This will be a chance to look at story telling using props. Your child will then join you for some fun activities together. Course runs Friday 9.00-11.00 for six weeks.
Let your teacher know if you want to reserve a space (places are limited)
Christmas Fayre
We had so much fun on the last day of term at our Christmas Fayre. It was great to see so many parents there, the hall was packed!
Children In Need
A MASSIVE Thank you to everyone who helped make our day a success. We dressed in spots, ate biscuits and helped raise money towards a number of important charities.
Remember Friday 17th November we will be celebrating Children In Need.
Our theme is spots. Please make a donation for non-school uniform.
School Council will be selling Pudsey biscuits at the end of the day.
Look out for photos which will be loaded onto here.
Let's have a SPOTACULAR day!
Family Learning courses.
We may still have a few places left on our Positive Parenting course, starting in November. If you are interested please speak to Mrs Whistler. If you have already signed up Mrs Whistler will be in touch to confirm.
KS1 Phonic Demonstration
The Key Stage 1 staff led a popular phonics demonstration for parents. Miss McInnes demonstrated how to blend and segment and introduced parents to the difference between a grapheme and a phoneme.
Parent Meeting
It was great to see so many parents at our first get together. We had stalls set up with information about how to support your child, upcoming parent courses, sign up sheets for those interested in setting up a PTA and of course cake!
Mrs Turner will be sending out a reminder to all of you who showed an interest in helping to set up a PTA with a meeting date in the near future.
Feedback was positive and we will look at your comments and respond.
Thank you for coming (photos to follow)
Teddy Bear Morning
Parents joined their children in Nursery this morning for all things teddy related! They had teddy toast, sang teddy songs, made teddy masks and listened to teddy stories. It was great to see so many parents there, thank you for coming. See Class Darwin page for more photographs.
Latest News
- Notification of Ofsted inspection 27 January 2025
Letter to parents (Whole School - 27/01/2025) - Victoria Summer Fair & Picnic
Victoria Summer Fair & Picnic 2024 (Whole School - 06/06/2024) - Eid Mubarak!
Happy Eid al-Fitr 2024 (Remote Learning - 09/04/2024) - Ramadan Mubarak!
We extend our warmest wishes to all of our pupils, parents, colleagues and our communities. (Whole School - 10/03/2024)