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School Newsletter

School re-opening

The Prime Minister has said that the very earliest return to normal school will be 8th March – BUT this will be confirmed closer to the time. As soon as we can, we will let you know the return date. We are as desperate to have every child back in school as you are!

Children’s Mental Health Week – NEXT WEEK

We’ll be taking part in national Children’s Mental Health Week from Monday 1st February. As well as having lessons about this, children can show their support for each other’s wellbeing by taking part in Inside Out Day. It’s all about putting how we feel inside – on the outside! Whether you’re at home or at school…
wear something inside-out on Wednesday 3rd February!
Photos to seesaw if you’re at home!

Home Learning – Parents, you are doing well!

Parents, we know that you will always do your best by your child. Almost all of our home learners are achieving every day and this shows your dedication! We also know how tough it is to keep this up.

As this lockdown drags on, please remember that teachers’ high expectations only work when children are in a good place for learning. Every now and again it is ok to “pick your battles” and drop a lesson if doing it would cause a meltdown. It is ok to have a mental health break if it all feels like it’s getting too much. Just let us know on seesaw so we don’t accidentally put pressure on your child when you are trying your best to keep things calm.

Equally, when staff call you each week, if you need us to have a word with your child or give them a pep talk, we are really happy to do this for you – just ask – we like talking to children!

Borrow a laptop or tablet

If you are struggling without a laptop or tablet for your child to work on at home, please reply to this email and let us know. We are re-ordering more laptops from the government and can add as many names to the order as we need to. There are no promises – we haven’t been sent our last order yet – but we are happy to keep trying for you!

Parent and Family Support

If you are struggling with the effects of lockdown and home learning, you can give Lorraine (our Family Support Worker) a call on 0115 807 7755 or send a WhatsApp to 07375 557517 or email

Lorraine can give advice and point you in the right direction for support with a very wide range of issues that families or parents might be facing. She is also able to help with free school meals vouchers and food bank referrals.

How do these lessons link?

A reminder that you can access the learning overview for any class in school on our website at:

Teachers also put links to useful resources on each year group web page:

And if you want to know more about how to support your child in a particular area, you can see information on a range of areas in the list at the left hand side of:

April 2024


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