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Term time holidays and lateness – Fines

Children who miss ten minutes of school every day or who have a week’s holiday every year finish primary school over half a term’s worth of learning behind their classmates and with basic skills gaps which might never be caught up.

The governing body have acted upon findings from our Ofsted inspection and from the City’s Education Welfare Service to take stronger action against families whose children miss learning time for holidays taken in term time, or for being persistently late to school.

From the start of the new school year, families who take holidays during term time or who are persistently late for school will face fines of £120 per child per parent issued from Nottingham City Council. Fines are legally enforceable and non-payment can lead to a criminal record.

Please note that extended absences for illness do require proof from a doctor and must be provided when requested.

April 2024


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